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Apostolic Co-Mission : Side By Side Spiritual Warfare

Apostolic Co-Mission : Side By Side Spiritual Warfare


Some theologians theorize that the natural disasters impacting vari-ous parts of the world today are a result of God’s displeasure with theworld. I am not trying to imply God is waiting for us to sin so He can punish us. It is my opinion that the suffering of our Earth through such disasters as hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes are a manifestation of what we are not doing right. I believe poor management o fthe authority given to us by God is bringing judgment to the world around us. “For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.” ROMANS 8:22 One of the greatest difficulties in being an apostle is to recognize that we are but servants on the field of battle and not generals in the war room. We are called upon by God to engage in hand-to-hand combat against the forces of immorality, ungodliness and sin. This battle is with Satan and his henchmen.

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